Our Services


Neuro Physiotherapy Works specialises in supporting adults with movement related problems, following damage to the central or peripheral nervous system. Presentations vary greatly, but commonly, conditions can affect an individuals strength, sensation, co-ordination, balance and movement. Consequently everyday activities can become more difficult to complete.


Where possible, Neurological Physiotherapy aims to improve physical function via adaptions and reorganisation made in the brain by a process called ''neuroplasticity''.  When restoration is not possible, we teach compensatory strategies and help to reduce the risk of secondary complications (e.g. from falls or muscle spasticity). 

Neuro Physiotherapy Assessment


Neurological conditions can affect many aspects of a persons body and life. On the first assessment, there will be a lot of questioning as we gain more understanding of your condition and what difficulties you are currently facing.


We will then complete a thorough physical assessment. We will analyse your movement and determine how in combination with other aspects of your condition this impacts on your ability to carry out daily tasks.


After this comprehensive assessment our Physiotherapists will then discuss what you want to achieve and devise a rehabilitation plan tailored to you and your circumstances.


Neuro Physiotherapy Treatment Session


Neuro Physiotherapists have a 'toolbox' of treatments and we will select the most appropriate interventions for your specific problem. 


This may include:

  • One to one treatment sessions
  • Strengthening programmes
  • Spasticity management
  • Posture management
  • Balance re-education
  • Gait re-education 
  • Stretching programmes
  • Neuromuscular stimulation
  • Equipment advise and assessment
  • Cueing and movement strategies
  • Education for you, family and carers
  • Manual therapy e.g. massage, taping
  • Problem solving in home environment


Neuro Physiotherapy Goal Setting


We aim to craft a bespoke path to help you achieve your personal goals. These virtual reviews, allow for progress monitoring, refining of goals and adapting of treatment plans. 


You may feel on track to meeting your goals, but if the treatment session has 'run away' with you and you're wanting a catch up with us, this can be a great means to allow for that. 



Service Time Cost
Home Visit Assessment 90 minutes £120
Home Visit Treatment Session 60 minutes £100
Express Home Visit Treatment Session 30-45 minutes £60
Virtual Goal Setting Session 30 minutes £30

Prices are subject to change and will vary depending on home visit location. We will offer a personalised cost prior to any assessment being completed.